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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Jamul Region 511: World Class Soccer, Small Town Style

What to expect during the Season

Dear AYSO Parents,

Welcome to the 2024 season of AYSO Soccer in Jamul, CA, where we bring you

World Class Soccer, Small Town Style.

As the season moves along you will be getting together for the first time with your coaches and we would like to let you know what to expect, plus a few other items.

1.       Picture Day: This year Picture Day is usually scheduled the Friday evening before the 1st game day. Start time will most likely be 4:30.

2.       Sponsors: We ask that everyone participate in helping us obtain sponsorship for the Region. If you need or want any sponsorship forms or letters or have any questions please email: [email protected].  Sponsorship of $150 or more per team would be ideal. 

3.       Banners: We would like each team to have a Banner (U14 usually does not, we may do a combined one for the fence, depending on the sponsor).  As long as we can reach our sponsorship and fund raising goal the region will pay for banners so that the teams and the parents do not have to try to come up with funds for this fun tradition.  Coaches and Players will still get to design their banners.  More info on this will be given to the coaches.  We hope that the families can do their best to help the teams locate sponsorship and/or donations.

4.       Medals/Trophies: As with the banners, we plan to use fundraising and sponsorship funds to pay for a Medal for each player or an allowance that teams can put towards medals or trophies.

5.       Gift Baskets:  Would be for Opening Day/Picture Day Events.  This is a nice way to help add to our funds by doing a silent auction and/or raffle of the Gift Baskets at the Opening Events (AKA also Picture Day). The funds we raise are added to what we get from the sponsorship to help cover our needed costs, as well as the banners and medals/trophies. The Gift Basket can be as simple as a few different gift cards or even one item that everyone can pitch in money towards.  It is up to the teams how much they want to spend, however historically $10 or so per family has always seemed like a reasonable amount.

6.       Bathrooms: We are going to try to make sure the bathrooms are always open, however if you ever find that they are not please send a text message to: 619-889-3297.  Also, any issues with the bathrooms let us know, via email.

7.       Your Children:  Please talk with your children about the importance of listening to their coaches during practices and games.  Our coaches are volunteers and we want them to be able to focus on teaching soccer and good team values.

8.       Games: We know it is easy to get high spirited during games when it comes to our children.  It is great to encourage your children during the games, but please refrain from coaching them from the side lines: ie: refrain from saying any names of any of the players.  Players need to learn to focus on their coaches instructions and although well intended “parent sideline coaching” can be distracting, not only to the players, but the coaches as well.  As always, be excited and encouraging, but be respectful too.

9.       Snacks: Your coaches (or one of the parents) will usually set up a snack schedule where someone will be responsible for bringing a half time snack.  If everyone could please check with other parents to see if there are any children who have any food allergies.  Please bring healthy snacks and fruit juices.  Generally fruit of some sort is one of the best snack options to bring (it digests easily so as not to hinder play time) and apple juice seems to be the one that almost all children like.  There are many parents that don’t want their kids to eat candy, soda, cupcakes or other junk food during and after the games, unless there is a special occasion (like a birthday).  Please, check with the other parents on this subject.

10.   Games and Practices: Please let your coach know if you will be late or will be missing games or practices.  Knowing who is and who is not coming to a game helps coaches plan out the game day line-up.

11.   Sickness:  Keep them home and let the coach know.  We do not need to know what illness they have.  The team will look forward to seeing you player when they feel well!

12.   Volunteers:  We are in need of the following volunteers: Help on Friday afternoons to stripe the fields for game days.  We also need Referees and Board Members.  If you are interested in volunteering your time and talents please contact the Regional Commissioner.

Most of all: Have Fun! Enjoy spending time with other parents, enjoy seeing your children grow and play, and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air!

We hope you and your children have a wonderful season and a great experience.  And Thank You everyone for being a part of AYSO and if you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to let us know and we will do what we can to help.


Take care,

Tricia Brenner, Regional Commissioner
and the
Jamul AYSO Board Members

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Contact Us

AYSO in Jamul, Ca

PO Box 1188 
Jamul, California 91935

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 619-567-9461
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